Friday, May 22, 2020

Political And Political Ethics Of A Democratic Society

Political Ethics- When do the Ends Justify the Means? It is without argument a fact that our society is ethically flawed. We are plagued by inequality, injustice, selfishness and hatred. Politicians are pioneers of change, who strive to correct these ethical flaws. It is their job to guide our society towards a more just, ethical place. There are varying schools of thought regarding how politicians can obtain the necessary power to improve the political ethics of a society. Some argue that politicians should be models of the political ethics they seek, and must go about obtaining political power in a morally correct and just way. They argue that the means of obtaining influence is just as important as the influence to create change itself. Others argue that the means with which politicians go about obtaining power is less important than the fact that they acquire the necessary power to ethically improve the society. In the mission to create a positive change in a democratic society, politicians must accept the second school of thought and reject the idea of personal political ethics until they reach the position of power in which they can create change. During the initial stages, obtaining the necessary power for transformation is more important than the process in which it is obtained. Between the political philosophers of Socrates, Rousseau, and Machiavelli, the third preaches these ideas, which are the most likely to inspire political change. After detailing theShow MoreRelatedDemocracy And The Australian Political System Essay1627 Words   |  7 Pagesproduced in the Australian political system to created a fair society, however it is ironically produced by non-democratic and democratic instruments. 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